Psychology and Computers


Technology influences or impacts almost every aspect of our lives today and this is no different in the field of psychology. Just as technology affects how people behave and think, they also affect how they work psychologists also employ technology to study and understand mental illnesses as well as treat them. Technology can also assist psychologists in their research by making it possible for them to collect and analyse data faster and more precise than they otherwise be able to. From the use of computers in fMRI imaging to developing electronic symptom evaluation and tracking tools for patients with depression and anxiety, technology is a huge element of psychological treatment and research.

Additionally, technology influences the relationship between humans and the digital systems that they interact with on a daily basis. Some of the most famous technology companies have departments that include psychologists that are experts in human cognition and perception. They conduct studies to study how users react to certain designs and give recommendations based on that. In fact, most of the time, when you’re using a technology, be it your phone or Facebook you’re benefiting from the collaboration between psychology and computer science.

Sidney D’Mello, a researcher at Notre Dame University, is one of the many researchers working at the intersection of psychology and computers. His research is focused on “affective computing,” which is the study of how computers detect and interpret emotions. His team, for example has created a mathematical model that can aid computers in predicting when an individual is likely to become frustrated or anxious, so that it can take the appropriate action before the event occurs.

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