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This basic example is extremely competitive in traditional finance and many High Frequency Traders compete against each other to be the first ones to complete the arbitrage opportunity. Just as there are tons of different stakeholders affected by the Merge, who all think differently, so do we. This episode had lots of back-and-forth as the team unpacked some quirky pieces of crypto jargon like the term “baker” and what it means in a proof-of-stake ecosystem as well as the timeline of what comes after the Merge, which includes the Surge, Verge, Purge and Splurge. We started by setting the scene with how the anticipation around this monumental event in web3 has affected token prices and dug into what factors had been fueling optimism. Then we broke down the mechanics behind why proof-of-stake is greener, but may be less decentralized than proof-of-work (though each us had different takes on whether that’s a fair assessment).

The moment this transaction is mined, token A will be cheaper on Uniswap than Sushiswap, so whoever can sell token A on Sushiswap for token B and then sell those token Bs on Uniswap for token A should end up with more token A than they started. For more information about the support provided by these partners, see the financial reports provided in HBOT Tracker. This is a very fast-paced market that also carries considerable risk for newcomers so it’s important you have enough money to take sensible positions without jeopardizing yourself financially by getting over-leveraged. As previously explained, Chain Reaction boasts an impressive array of features tailored to enhance your trading experience by maximizing efficiency and convenience. If you still find yourself uncertain about opting for Chain Reaction as your preferred tool, we can suggest several other trading platforms such as Wealth Matrix, PrimeBit Profit, and Quantum Flash.

Now I have all the information I need to supply my smart contract to see if there is a profit opportunity. Using Simulation Platform, each simulation is done in isolation against the current block state, meaning there is some degree of probability involved in the ‘pending-simulation’ payloads. However, if the transaction is at the top of the block, then that effectively means it is happening against the current block state, since there won’t be any transactions between the current block state and this one. The best way to ensure it gets to the top of the block (or at least close to it) is to use flashbots private relay. The Merge, an upgrade to the Ethereum blockchain that moved it from a proof of work (PoW) to a proof of stake (PoS) system of consensus, was a long-awaited shift that finally took place this week.

Industry experts also provide feedback and viewpoints about Canada asa destination for blockchain FDI, helping to identify and articulate Canada’s valueposition for blockchain and its ability to attract investment. This study finds thatblockchain is considered a field of growing interest, although it currently struggleswith adoption and large-scale implementation. Canada is perceived as having amaturing blockchain ecosystem, with industry experts noting strong educationalinstitutions and a skilled talent base as attractive features. However, key barriersinclude regulatory uncertainty, a relatively small tech ecosystem, faltering private orpublic investment, and a conservative business climate.The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted both global priorities and investmentopportunities.

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In the aftermath ofwidespread criticism from regulators, Libra’s scope is now a lot more like a conventionaldigital payment platform, with its multi-currency stablecoin now taking a backseat tocountries’ digital currencies. In this report, we describe new activity by the notorious North Korean threat actor APT37. We discuss several different infection chains, most of which result in a ROKRAT payload. These infection chains show that since 2022, this group has stopped heavily relying on malicious documents to deliver malware and instead begun to hide payloads inside oversized LNK files. This method can trigger an equally effective infection chain by a simple double click, one that is more reliable than n-day exploits or the Office macros which require additional clicks to launch.

Knowing that my trades were being executed in compliance with regulatory standards and best practices helped me feel assured that my investments were being handled professionally and responsibly. This commitment to transparency and adherence to legal requirements further solidified my trust in Chain Reaction as a reliable and trustworthy trading platform. As technology is evolving at such a rapid pace, you will be faced with so many options when trying to find a suitable crypto trading platform that meets your needs. All these different trading platforms can be overwhelming and it can be even more daunting to actually choose which one to put your faith to trade for you. We can confirm that Chain Reaction is a safe and legitimate trading platform and not a scam. Smart DCA – Octobot also offers a range of trading bots including a Smart DCA (Dollar Cost Averaging) bot, a well known investment strategy where you buy on a regular basis in order to profit from daily price drops.

In order to calculate the real-time profit of an arbitrage opportunity, I would need to have some way of supplying my getProfit function with an adjustment on a liquidity pool. This adjustment is when I see a swap transaction in the mempool that will impact the Uniswap or Sushiswap liquidity pool. Since this project wasn’t really about taking a deep dive in solidity, this repo was perfect to get a proof of concept. The key insight Chain Reaction 2.0 trading bot with this smart contract is that you can supply it two pools—one Uniswap pool and one Sushiswap pool— and return whether there is any profit arbitraging the two pools. However, the calculation is being done by looking at the reserves of those two pools as they currently stand (ie. the latest block state). In crypto, transactions are submitted to the mempool—which, for the most part, is public— for inclusion into the next block.

Our bot employs advanced algorithms and real-time data analysis to identify optimal entry and exit points, enabling swift and decisive action in response to market fluctuations. The result I get from my smart contract doesn’t include gas, so I do a naive calculation to see what the all in gas cost would be (including my extra tip to the miners on the flashbots relay). I knew my two transactions would cost about 240K gas, so I hardcoded that in for my net-profit calculation. For my gas price, I assumed I would need to give up 95% of my gross profit to compete in the private relay. I incorporate the impact of the mempool transaction when I calculate the profit potential for the arbitrage opportunity.

The XRPL connector is designed to seamlessly integrate with Hummingbot, allowing users to take advantage of XRPL’s fast transaction times and low fees. This integration will enable traders to execute strategies with greater precision and speed, optimizing their performance across various markets. Finding the best arbitrage opportunities is impossible without the best chainreaction20.co.uk mempool data feeds. Blocknative’s Simulation Platform leverages our Global Mempool Data Platform to provide probabilistic outcomes of every public pending Ethereum transaction, including detailed traces of each smart contract function call and net balance changes. That said, I used my limited knowledge of solidity to update the smart contract to fit my needs.

While this had traditionally been an opportunity that only miners could participate in—which is why it was sometimes called Miner Extractable Value—the democratization of the mempool has allowed more opportunities for traders to extract value by influencing what goes into a block. MEV Searchers can easily affect which transactions are included and excluded, or even change the order of transactions in a block, by seeing what’s already in the mempool and then timing and pricing their transactions accordingly. The Hummingbot Foundation, supported by its sponsors, partners and backers, is dedicated to fostering a robust, community-driven ecosystem for algorithmic crypto trading. Hummingbot connectors standardize trading logic and order types across different types of exchanges and blockchain networks.

AI trading bots achieve a higher level of performance, and they don’t require the user to spend loads of time studying different strategies and parameters. And they are a great option for those looking to get into crypto trading since they enable non-professional traders to leverage profitable strategies. For one, the markets are open 24/7, making it necessary for traders to constantly monitor the charts if they don’t want to miss out on a trade. This is one of the key reasons AI crypto trading bots have become popular over the years. The Baseline Protocol80 is an open-source initiative that combines advances incryptography, messaging, and blockchain to deliver secure and private businessprocesses at low cost via the public Ethereum Mainnet. The project aims to provideenterprise-grade data security on the public Ethereum blockchain using privacypreserving techniques.

Additionally, there is another document recently discovered in April 2023 that appears to be part of the same infection chain, only this time the target process for injection is mspaint.exe. The document references a few subjects such as Kim Jong-Un’s potential successor and North Korea’s nuclear weapon capabilities. Unfortunately, at the time of our analysis, the URL was no longer replying to the request to download the payload.

We’ve managed to team up with Chain Reaction so you can register your interest directly from Coin Insider to get access to your demo account. I was impressed by how effortless and user-friendly the account setup process was. The platform provided clear instructions and guided me through each step, ensuring a smooth registration process.

As the hypesurrounding blockchain died down and we start to move out of the “trough ofdisillusionment” toward the “slope of enlightenment,”97 there is a need for broaderunderstanding of the blockchain value proposition—beyond just disentanglingblockchain from Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Motivations for adopting blockchain technology (an aspect of innovation adoption) have been investigated by researchers. By enabling simultaneous trading across multiple assets, our bot capitalizes on diverse market opportunities, maximizing profit potential and mitigating risk. Gone are the days of overlooking promising assets due to the limitations of single-asset bots. Unlike conventional bots, which impose uniform parameters across assets, our bot offers unparalleled flexibility. Users can tailor settings such as leverage, stop-loss, and take-profit levels on a per-asset basis, allowing for precise risk management and optimization of trading strategies.

Although the nature of the attacks is different, we believe all of those were crafted by the same actors. As documented in recent publications, the threat actors have been active lately. This RAT utilizes steganography tricks by hiding executables inside JPEG files to evade detection. In March, Sekoia and ZScaler both published accounts of APT37’s use of phishing sites and PowerShell backdoors, the latter of which led to the deployment of another implant named Chinotto.

How to Talk Dirty and Not Feel Like an Idiot


Choose a Girl

We can focus so much on our own insecurities in bed that we don’t verbally express enough appreciation of our partner. Yeah, we don’t know either, but for those of us who struggle with dirty talk, the scene is a little too relatable. As you bathe in the afterglow of a ravenous session, expand the sensuality with some post-sex dirty talk.

  • We would never say these things to one another in any other context, and this is especially true if we’re verbally playing out our sexual fantasies.
  • You don’t have to be an erotica novelist or fanfic author to crush the dirty talk game.
  • What are your own descriptors for what you love doing?
  • According to Lee-ann Cordingley, a clinical sexologist and sex coach, dirty talk can trigger feelings of vulnerability, especially for men who may be used to expressing themselves with physical touch rather than words.

Get comfortable talking about sex outside the bedroom.

  • She has a Diploma in Health Sciences from the University of Leeds and has written for several publications, including Business Insider, Refinery29, Black Ballad, Huffington Post, Stylist, ZORA, Greatist, and many more.
  • A high school research paper is a great place to show off your extended vocabulary — the bedroom, however, is not.
  • ” — that I immediately filed away for use with the right person.
  • You will probably feel silly or uncomfortable, but at least you can avoid feeling like this in front of your lover later on.
  • “List some words and phrases or even scenarios that turn you on, then ask, ‘Do you know what turns you on?

You can take inspiration from porn or movies, but be sure to give it your own twist. Think about what turns you on and create a list of words, scenarios, or fantasies that arouse you. Then place your personal touch, including moans, groans, and the ubiquitous “YEAH?! YEAH!!” exchange to make your sexual talk genuinely resonate.

Why talk dirty to your partner?

What’s important for you to know is that for the ones who enjoy it, the way they like it might vary. Some enjoy only the very soft-core vanilla-like dirty talk. So listen to your partner, and think about what is best for your sex life.

How do you talk dirty even if you’re shy?

If you never talk about sex, it’s not necessarily going to be any easier getting chatty in bed, so don’t shy away from talking about it with your partner at other times. No need to channel a porn star right out of the gate. Say what feels natural to you in the moment, and definitely don’t feel like you have to construct some elaborate sex narrative beforehand.

Ultimately, getting in sync with what your partner likes and dislikes and any fetishes or kinks you each have is important for any intimate act, dirty talk included. As Bethany Ricciardi, sex expert at Too Timid explains, people often also get turned on by hearing that a partner has these steamy thoughts about them. That said, in these scenarios, communication will be key.

And once you’re warmed up and in the dirty talking mindset, let yourself really start having fun by improvising your own lines. Remember, there’s a big difference between consensual name-calling and malicious name-calling in, say, the workplace. Just because someone is into erotic massage roleplay doesn’t mean they want to be taken advantage of by a professional masseuse when they go to the spa after a long week of work.

Girls who are online now


Write to her Now



🍓 This erotic princess is waiting for you and ready to fulfill any wish 😏




Don’t miss it 👉christie_angel💞

Write to her Now

🔞She baby_kris_love needs your cock more than ever🔞

This cutie loves to play with her tight holes.

She baby_kris_love will take any pose to make your balls empty🍆♨️💦




🔥 STOP SCROLLING 🔥 lera_vip

Write to her Now

🔥 Her wet pussy is waiting for your cock lera_vip 🔥

❤This perfect figure lera_vip is made to please you. Do you know her fetish?😈

😈Come on in 👉👉👉 lera_vip

💋 She’s waiting for you lera_vip 💋




SWEET GIRL mary_angel

Write to her Now


🎀She is a master of deep blowjob💦

😈Satisfy her unquenchable hunger as she longs to empty your cock and make you cum non-stop🍌👅

Don’t resist temptation, embrace it!





💖ONLY TODAY💖 sinful_rosa

Write to her Now

Fiery beauty sinful_rosa🔥

Loves stretching her tight pussy with her fingers and sucking dick with juicy lips🥵🥵🥵

Show how her excited clitoris pulsates💦

Hurry up and text her, she’s always online for you!😘





sweete_girl 🔥𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘🔥 sweete_girl

Write to her Now








After all, using props or experimenting with power dynamics can do wonders for the atmosphere in the bedroom, but, again, it’s vital to make sure everyone is both comfortable and happy at all times. Bringing new things into your sex life can not only improve your evening. It can rejuvenate a stale relationship, lift lowered spirits, and bring the honeymoon phase right back to your door.

“Be clear of the line between playful nudging and coercion. Never cross the line into coercion-even in dirty talk — do not confuse that with coercion or sexual power play that is clearly asked for and consented as a part of the dirty talk scene,” Hauser states. When it comes to introducing any new sexual experience or accessory with a partner, Rullo recommends that individuals introduce the topic during non-sexual encounters. A great time to do this can be after sex when you’re relaxed and enjoying some pillow talk. Dirty talk is any form of sexually charged or explicit speech that is intended to arouse and seduce someone.

For example, calling your last partner “Daddy” might have made him instantly hard, but your new beau might think of it as boner kryptonite. So, don’t be afraid to adapt and evolve your sexy talk to fit your current partner. Knowing how to talk dirty during sex isn’t easy, but with this guide and a little practice, anyone can become a pro. “Dirty talk can reveal fantasy material, which brings in the erotic imagination for both partners,” says Buehler. “Sharing this material can increase not only arousal, but intimacy and closeness as they learn more about each other’s sexual wants and needs,” she explains.

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What Is Board Management Software?


A board management tool that is easy and easy to use can increase the efficiency of meetings, accessibility of documents, and the overall effectiveness of a board. What is a board management software and how does it compare to other collaboration tools online?

Board management software can be employed to manage and save important documents, such as board books, electronically in a what is board management software secure location. It is designed for organizations that want to streamline their board management process and offer better service to their managers and directors.

The most effective board management software options include an online portal where all relevant documents for meetings can be saved. This can be advantageous for non profit organizations as it doesn’t require scanning and email documents prior to filing. It also reduces the risk that sensitive information is exposed to companies or individuals who are not authorized. If an organization is going through an audit of its regulatory status, using the right board portal makes it easier to collect relevant documents.

Some of the top-rated portals for board members provide a variety of functions for directors as well as administrative assistants. These include tasks tracking and agenda creation, polling/surveying, and electronic signature collection. This allows board members to keep on top of the progress and status of important tasks. It also aids in encouraging accountability and ensures that all tasks are completed by the deadlines. This makes the board more efficient and productive and gives the peace of that all documents are secure stored.

The Importance of Data Protection


Any time you use an app on the internet to shop online, or sign up for an account on a website and leave a trail of personal data that could be easily accessed or hacked by hackers. This is why the concept of data security is so crucial. Data protection is the collection of measures, both procedural and strategic, used to safeguard data integrity, availability and security against unauthorised access or theft. Data protection is often confused with data security. However, there are important differences.

The law obliges you to notify users of how their personal data will be used, for instance the data you collect through your app or website. You should also give them the option to opt-out or alter the method of collecting data. This is a good method to maintain your customer’s trust and protect your business from fines and lawsuits.

As the world’s digital economies continue grow, so do the volumes of data organizations generate and store. To meet these demands, infrastructure management is essential. Access controls are also crucial. It’s also a challenge keep up with the ever-changing regulations on data at the levels of provincial, state, national and industry levels.

To successfully protect data, you need to know where your data is and the ways it’s accessed, for example, by whom and on which devices. You can then apply security methods like cloning, mirrored, replication, snapshots and changes that block monitoring to limit access to your data and stop malicious activity. In addition, you should ensure that your data is regularly backed up to ensure that it is retrieved quickly in the event of disaster or cyberattack.

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